Attention to Detail, Quality and Personalization – Choose the New Jersey Worship Seating Leaders

When choosing community seating, you have to take numerous factors in consideration. The available space, the budget and the style of the temple are the most important factors. All planners want to buy the most beautiful and comfortable worship seating but such products can be unaffordable.

This is the main reason why instead of going for custom seating in New Jersey, many architects opt for the generic and sterile in appearance benches. Customized seating manufacturers inflate the prices because of the complex furniture making process that they go through.

SERIES is a specialized seating manufacturer that has been trying to change those processes ever since 1999. Our main mission is to make beautiful and custom worship seating in New Jersey affordable. The goal isn’t accomplished by cutting corners. We give our customers convenience and cost-efficiency by modernizing customized worship seating manufacturing.

We build hybrid church pews, theater seats and very comfortable stacking chairs. All of our worship seating products come with personalization options, regardless of the fact that the pieces share the same core design. This is the way in which we’re capable of reducing the cost and giving our client an affordable solution that can be personalized.

The most popular types of SERIES worship seating include:

Church Pews

Church Pews New Jersey

The old church pews give those places of worship some traditional charm. The problem with those is that they are hard and quite uncomfortable (especially for longer masses). To deal with the problem and maintain the traditional appeal, we’ve come up with our own hybrid pew concept.

Temple Seating

Temple Seating New Jersey

Generic seating isn’t the best way to adhere to traditions and observe religious rituals. The SERIES temple seating products are ideal for just about every community in New Jersey.

Synagogue Seating

Synagoge Seating New Jersey

SERIES is a company that works with numerous synagogues throughout the country and abroad. The main reason why we’re the chosen furniture supplier is the quality of the pieces. In addition, the SERIES team has experience in synagogue layouts and traditional seating installation.

Stacking Chairs

Stacking Chairs New Jersey

The SERIES stacking chairs offer unparalleled versatility for quick space changes. If you’re expecting a bigger number of visitors than usual, you can simply add a few rows to the temple by arranging the stacking chairs. These products are also perfect for special events at rented venues or community meetings.

We’re focused on giving each religious community exactly what it needs. We know that generic seating isn’t going to address the requirements of our clients. Many religious communities opt for such bland options because they can’t afford custom seating. SERIES is changing all of that, which is the main reason why our seating has been installed in multiple temples throughout the world.

The SERIES team understands how important faith is to many communities and we’re certain that every believer deserves the right conditions for worship and religious practices. Over the years, we’ve perfected and optimized our manufacturing processes while still sticking to the traditions.

Both large and small congregations deserve comfortable and beautiful worship seating. Gone are the days of the hard, chunky benches. Today, we’ve come up with a couple of innovative concepts that are supportive, comfortable and safe.

We’ll do our best to bring your vision to reality by customizing the colors, fabrics and even the shapes of the worship seating you’ve chosen for your New Jersey temple. It’s our primary belief that every single place of worship can look gorgeous without major expenditure on furniture.

Call us today at 305-932-4626 and let us know what you’re looking for. With more than 30 years of industry experience, we’re confident that at least one of our suggestions will be a good match.