Arena Seating Manufacturer

Arena seating has to stand up to a whole lot. Rowdy audiences are only one of your many concerns. Your seats are bound to get a whole lot of wear and tear daily as you reconfigure and reorganize your bustling professional arena. You’ll have enough to think about as you’re scheduling events, managing games, and running events. You shouldn’t have to worry about the quality of your seating at the same time. And that’s why we’re here!

Series Seating is the leading arena seating manufacturer, and we’ve held that position for decades. We’re the secret champion in arenas around the world, as our seating has held up under years of use, wear, tear, and a little abuse. Our seating is designed to look good, feel good, and last a long time. Our stylish, rugged products have made us the go-to arena seating manufacturer across the country and around the world.

We’ve got the Options You Need!

Arenas come in all shapes and sizes. They’re used for all sorts of different purposes. You should be able to get seating that fits your needs to a T. You deserve seating that is tough yet comfortable, stylish yet affordable. We offer all of that and more.

Do you need seating that is weather resistant? Do you need a specific color scheme? Do you need to be able to change your seating layout at a moment’s notice? Tell us what you’re looking for and we’ll get it done!

Our chairs are legendary for their comfort, durability, and easy set up and maintenance. That means you can focus on the important aspects of running your arena without ever having to worry about your seating set up.

So call us today and let us be your go-to arena seating manufacturer. Give us a call at 305-932-4626, and talk to one of our seating professionals about your needs and how we can best meet them. Remember, if you want options, quality, comfort and service, Series Seating will get the job done.